
Friday, December 15, 2023

Grateful Friday

I am having fewer headaches and I am grateful about that.  Yesterday I got a headache and it just kept getting worse and worse and at 1:00 AM, when I couldn't sleep because it hurt so much, I got up and wrote some very wonky sub plans.  Adam took my laptop from me and finished them and filled out the absence form and sub request.  

I told him I was a classified employee.  He clicked that button and it asked about how many hours I work and I was so confused and my brain wasn't working and I finally remembered that I am a certified employee.  Any other time I would know that.  In the middle of the night with a migraine, I have no idea about anything.

I was grateful to Adam for helping me and grateful to my team for being on the other end of the sub plans, printing them and I'm sure making sense of them for the sub.

I went to Costco after school with Mark yesterday.  I'm still not over shopping with one of my children and having them eager to go.  We chatted and he told me about a recent date (he told me very little) and his holiday plans (when he'd be home).  He told me when he thought he would head back to Provo and I told him he wasn't going anywhere until the basement was cleaned (he's 21 and I'm not really the boss of him but we can pretend-- also I told him I would throw away what he doesn't clean up in the basement and yes, I mean big lego sets).  

He said, "Maybe I'll work on it tomorrow.  I'm stopping by to get some cards."  Then he said, "Is that weird that I stop by when no one is home?"

I told him no.  It is still his house!  He said, "Well, it feels weird.  Like, should I be doing some dishes?"

I said to go ahead and do all the dishes he wants! (And I guess if he stops by today, I'll be here.)

I am grateful for my friends.  We went to dinner with Warren and Susan on Wednesday.  I got home to a gift on my doorstep from Bonnie.  She is love and light personified.

Yesterday Jamie brought me a beautifully wrapped gift.  It was this:

Trust a teacher friend to get you a Katherine Applegate book!  I loved her tag too.  "Teaching and loving are different words for the same thing."

Everything Jamie touches is amazing and that is all.

I told her that her gift wrapping was so beautiful.  She said, "I love it until I do about 50 and then I feel like stopping but I have a reputation!"

So I guess the moral to the story is: manage expectations, people.  

But I love Jamie.

I love a weekend coming up with Adam.  He's my favorite.

I am grateful for my migraine medicine because I am already feeling so much better, just really wiped out.  I certainly have a nap in my future, but I think I'll feel well enough to go with Emma to Janelle's holiday review tonight.  (Adam is going to one of his friend's organ recitals--in December, you've got to divide and conquer!)

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