
Monday, December 11, 2023


December weekends can be busy, but also good.

We had a good time going to the Jazz game on Friday night.  I told my mom that we left after the 3rd quarter because I was tired.  My mom said, "Didn't the others want to stay?"

I said, "But I was tired."

The game started at 8:00 PM and I'm at the age that when something starts at 8:00 PM, I say what?!? Actually, besides maybe some college years, I think I've always been that age.  The Jazz were losing though and everyone seemed OK to leave.  (And it was Adam's idea.  He recognizes the signs of me fading fast.)

Saturday we had a ward Christmas party breakfast.  I have always thought a ward Christmas party breakfast felt cold and bleak, but this one was not!  It was warm and cozy and we had crepes with fresh fruit and a good program and I was happy to be there.  We enjoyed visiting with our friends.  The people in our cul-de-sac kind of gravitated together and it was fun.

We did all the Saturday things plus Adam REALLY cleaned his car and I was grateful to not be there.  I have never been held hostage, but I have been at the car wash when Adam decides to clean the inside of his car.

I talked to QE and her parents.  I sang The Wheels on the Bus (twice) and then I pulled out Merry Christmas Amelia Bedelia and Braeden said, "You just made her day."  She watched me read it with a very serious expression on her face while she was taking in the information.  Braeden and Anna, who had had a very tiring week kind of drowsed in the background while I read and at one point, she reached around behind her and poked them.  She didn't want them to miss anything.

We capped off Saturday evening with a trip to the temple with Emma which is always a lovely way to spend any amount of time.

Sunday we celebrated Mark!  Clarissa and Liberty and Nikki came.  Braeden and QE called while I was making dinner and I sang The Wheels not the Bus while I stirred.  I am a distracted cook at best, so it was kind of a wild ride but it worked out.  Mark always wants spinach egg casserole for his birthday.  It's OK.  Like I told Braeden, it's something you would have on a Tuesday, not necessarily for a birthday dinner, but it is what Mark wants.  So we have it.

Emma told me that she knew it was hard for me not to have the table runner on the red side, but it was better on the white because of the red centerpiece.

I'm still not 100% convinced.  Red always wins.

I made a chocolate cake recipe with only 1 tablespoon of flour.  I made it with gluten free flour, because I thought only one tablespoon would mitigate the gluten free-ness of it all.  I have made it before with regular flour but this time it didn't quite set up right.  And it was kind of flat.  We had it with raspberries and whipped cream though, so how could you go wrong?

Mark said, "Am I three?!?"

I told him the green were the tens place and the red was the ones place.


We played quixx and had a generally good time.  Mark liked his gifts:  a t shirt, two Pink Floyd vinyls and a saute pan.

What more could you want?


Marianne said...

Happy birthday dear Mark!!

Olivia Cobian said...

Looks like a great celebration!


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