
Thursday, December 28, 2023

That day Adam drove fast

Yesterday was, in balance, a nice day.  It had a little more excitement than I prefer though.

In the morning, we walked around UVU campus to show Braeden and Anna where Mark is going to school.  Unfortunately, every single door we tried was locked so we toured the outside of UVU.  At least the sun was shining and it felt good to get out of the house, even if it was a little chilly.

We went home for lunch and QE's nap.  While she was napping, Adam and Mark took the van to get washed and went to get Mark's allergy shot.  He's been getting allergy shots for months with zero bad reactions.

Yesterday was not that day.

He came home and was fine.  Everyone (except me) got ready to go swimming.  We were about to leave when Mark came to me and said he had hives.  His face was getting increasingly, alarmingly swollen.  He said he was having a hard time breathing.  Adam gave him Benadryl and I called the allergist.  They didn't even listen to my description of how he was doing.  They said, "Bring him back."

Adam and I took him in Adam's car and Braeden and Anna and QE took the van and went to BYU campus (where buildings were open).  

Adam is a careful and law abiding driver.  He drives like a Washingtonian.  When we see a policeman and I inevitably warn Adam (because I would be above the speed limit and would need the warning), Adam is inevitably not speeding.  It aggravates me sometimes when we are running late.  Just. Go. Faster.

He needed zero amount of urging to go fast yesterday when we were driving Mark back to the allergist office in Provo.  He zipped through a light that had very much turned red.  He weaved between cars.  He went fast.

Mark's throat closing up will be the difference between Adam speeding and not speeding it turns out.

We hurried in to the office while Adam parked.  You go in and sign yourself in typically so there is no receptionist.  I saw a worker and started, "He..."

They took one look at Mark and whisked him back.  They immediately started taking his vitals while someone else quickly gave him an epinephrine shot.

I don't love it when multiple medical people are urgently clamoring around someone I love, but I appreciate their efforts.

They had us sit in a room for about thirty minutes and the doctor sat across from us and casually chatted, but I could see that he was eying Mark closely the whole time.

As if by magic, the hives gradually disappeared and Mark became less swollen.  His blood sugar wasn't even impacted by the whole situation which sort of surprised me.

Mark was there in his swimsuit and a t-shirt and I asked the doctor, "We were about to go swimming.  Is that still OK?"

He said yes and just don't be too crazy.

We met the others at the pool and Mark went a lap or two in the lazy river and then sat in the hot tub.  QE did a lap or two in the lazy river, but once she found out about the play area in water that was about knee deep to her, she was done with that!  She wanted to climb and go down the slide and she loved when the bucket above filled with water and tipped over on her.  I watched her splash around, completely soaked and surmised she is pretty much our favorite grandchild.

She loves to be read to for me and she loves swimming for Adam.  It's like she was custom made.

Emma met us and we went to Via 313 for dinner.  (Part of Geri's gift to us was a gift card to take everyone out to dinner.  We loved it!)

We tried to keep QE busy with random things from my purse, but they weren't cutting it.  I sent Braeden for crayons and a paper from the front desk and that got us until dinner arrived.

I need to up my purse game.  

We came home and Mark said he wanted to go curl up in a ball and listen to a podcast.  His adventure had taken it out of him.  

The rest of us watched videos of when Braeden turned two and after Emma was born and Adam's graduation from Yale, when his parents were there.  It was fun to compare QE to Braeden.  Some of her expressions and actions are just the same.  They had watched videos of Anna at the same age and said that QE talks constantly like Anna did, but she is a lot less serious than Anna was.  She is a lot less smiley and constantly cheerful than Braeden was at that age.  A mix.  A delightful mix and in case it wasn't obvious, we are pretty obsessed with her.

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