
Friday, June 28, 2024

Grateful Friday

 I'm grateful that I get to work on this master's degree.  Sometimes I feel like my progress stalls a little, but overall, I think it is going pretty well.  My favorite thing is when I learn something that I immediately want to apply in my classroom.

That's the point after all.

I'm getting excited for school to start.  This always seems to happen.  I enjoy the break (although this "break" has been a lot of studying) and when July hits, my mind moves toward the new school year.  By the time August hits, I'm all in.

I guess it's a good thing to like my job.

One big perk of my job are the friends I've made.

Janelle and I are going to a play together tomorrow.  Friends are wonderful and I am grateful for mine.

I'm very grateful for family today.

I'm grateful we got to go see Braeden and Anna (and QE).  I'm grateful for the covenants and love that binds us all together.  I'm grateful for the larger net of love and support that ties us to all of our family.  

It really is a beautiful thing when you have about 20 people you could call if you were in desperate straits.

Mark came over the other night and had dinner with us.

I'm grateful for that kid.

He stretches me in ways only he can stretch me.  He always has.  I feel like this summer so far has been good for him.  He has learned lessons and grown in new ways and I'm grateful.

That's the point after all.

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