
Thursday, August 1, 2024

Girls Camp

Yesterday morning Adam and I woke up in Starr Valley and we went to sleep in Pleasant Grove with 7 driving hours in between.

I walked with Olivia and then we quilted a little and Marianne joined us. 

Adam did some work around our house, both outside and on his computer and we scrambled to get ready.

I had forgotten about the time change!

The drive to the camp was very roundabout.  As Adam said, it was no one's priority to make it a highly efficient road.  We finally got there in the nick of time and the leaders were a little stressed that we were not going to make it, but it all worked out.

Adam did a great job with the two little talks they had him give.  I mostly stayed out of the way and enjoyed the beautiful place with the certain knowledge that I didn't have to camp.

I was sitting in the back at one of the picnic tables.  In typical girls camp fashion, the tables were strewn with detritus that belonged to random girls.  Today they are leaving camp and I have been there with the "whose is this?!?" repeated 10 million times.  May the odds be forever in your favor.

I saw this piece of paper and it kind of delighted me.

I love how they were plotting something and then started listening to their conscience. 

And then they left the evidence on the table.

I enjoyed the testimony meeting and was impressed with the girls.  By the end it was nearing 9:00 and Adam and I hadn't had dinner and had a two hour plus drive ahead of us and let's just say I was ready to go.

I ended up talking to someone and Adam was on the other side of the fire talking to someone else and these two people happen to be some of the chattiest people around and I thought helplessly that we were never going to leave.

Adam extricated himself, but then stopped to talk to several other people.

I thought helplessly that talking there was where I was going to die.  There were zero breaks in the monologue and it seemed like me dropping dead was going to be the only escape.

Finally, Adam stopped by and said that he was going to stop by the bathroom and then come back for me and we could go.

I gave him my best meaningful look and it's not for nothing that we've been married a long time.  He picked up what I was setting down and said, "I'm going to take Thelma with me.  We need to go."

At last.

We drove home and got here close to midnight.  I had survival guilt climbing into my comfortable bed that I was not still at girls camp.

I thoroughly loved the increased time I had with Adam over the past several days.

I saw this picture and thought, I look tired.  Maybe that's just how I look?

One of the cute girls offered to take our picture.  She said she was "a professional."

So I'm back to work today.  I have a to do list and everything.


Mark Dahl said...

So glad you had a good time at camp.

Marianne said...

I think you look great!

Olivia Cobian said...

I don't think you look tired at all!


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