
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

December Advice

Sometimes I think it's the details that will be my demise. One at a time, details are nothing, insignificant, I can handle them. All at once, in a cloud of remember you're taking this to that party and you still need a gift for Braeden because remember you bought that for Mark and then this for Emma and the gifts are no longer even and remember Mark's birthday is next week and have you wrapped that present or is it hiding in the garage and where is that other gift anyway? and and and...

Details can become malicious.

If you've had a day like me...a busy December day where your head is swirling with details, you may need to do what I did.

I had my little meltdown. These meltdowns happen occasionally...and usually when I'm on the phone with Adam and he's on his way home from work.

Tonight, my tears + Adam's benevolence = 1 lemon meringue pie from a bakery on Rainier Avenue.

I'm not guaranteeing that this will work for you but if you are suffering from acute December detail-itis, you really ought to give it a try.

Let me know if you need Adam's cell phone number.


Jennifer said...


Best wishes for a better day tomorrow. Start with a piece of pie for breakfast and things will go better!

Suzanne said...

Let me know if you need Adam's cell phone number. Too funny. Love the details of your sweet relationship.

Olivia Cobian said...

I do. Need Adam's number.


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