
Monday, September 7, 2020

Change is coming

Change is coming are nice three words when you're tired of heat.

Tomorrow it is going to be downright cold.  There's going to be a 60 degree temperature swing from yesterday's high to tomorrow's low and the resulting wind with hopefully blow the smoke away.

I'll take it.

I have sweaters.

Yesterday Adam and I were going to take a walk where we thought it would shady but it was actually sunny and I am basically a lizard (I don't really sweat, I just overheat) so it was miserable.

Also yesterday, despite the red flag warning of fire danger (am I the only one who checks the weather?), some people were target shooting and a fire started and the entire valley filled with smoke.  Maybe it's from more fires than just that one, but seriously.  When it's this hot and dry and windy, how about don't target shoot?

We were delighted to have our kids and Hyrum and Desi over for Sunday dinner yesterday.  It's just a perk to live near BYU.  I love how we've gotten to know our nieces and now nephew better by having them over often.  They are great kids and they add a lot.

(Marianne, you should know your kids are always super helpful in the kitchen. My boys usually park somewhere in front of where I need to be and get engrossed in some conversation and I tell them to go away but your kids are actually helpful.  Good mothering on your part.) 

After dinner we opened the blinds and saw the post apocalyptic scene.  Emma took a picture of the blood red sun and smoky air and I should have asked her for it because I know she's asleep right now. 

You'll just have to trust me.  It was something.

Today I am relishing a day off and looking forward to spending time with my people.  We're going to strike some sort of balance of the yard work that needs doing and the unhealthy air quality....

I keep telling myself change is coming.  We can do this!


Marianne said...

I really appreciate you having them over. We love those Davises!

Marianne said...

I really appreciate you having them over. We love those Davises!

Marianne said...

I feel this so strongly that I posted it twice!


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