
Thursday, September 17, 2020


Motherhood really isn't for the faint of heart.  

Nearly grown children lull you into a sense of ease because you don't need to bathe or dress or buckle them into their seatbelts.  

It's still hard.

Online school is the worst.  Mark's mostly been in school with just a few weeks of hybrid.  It's still the worst.

Once Mark went to a hybrid schedule, his chemistry class sort of exploded (ha ha chemistry joke) and he's taking online classes anyway that he should have finished in summer but didn't and it's all the bane of my existence.  

I complained to Adam about my level of involvement.  Guess how much my mom was involved in my high school work?  Zero.

Adam said that I am different than Mark and also it wasn't a pandemic then.


We finally decided he should drop the chemistry class with the charm free teacher who wouldn't answer questions either emailed or in person.  He's going to take the class from BYU independent study because we need more online classes in our life. (Send help.  Seriously.)

I struggled for nearly a week to get answers out of the school counselor and he vacillated about whether or not Mark would be able to drop the class.  Able to drop the class?  Yesterday was the day I'd had enough.  I may have had a tone.  

So Mark is no longer enrolled in chemistry.  He was able to drop it.

Then after school he was trying to take a test for one the bane-of-my-existence online classes and the proctor wasn't there.  She just wasn't.  I called the online school office.  I listened to a highly stylized violin version of "Let it Go" from Frozen because I wasn't already irritated enough.  I finally got a person and told her the proctor was missing.  She said, "She's supposed to be there."

"She's not."

"That's really interesting."

Is it?  Is it interesting?

Motherhood really isn't for the faint of heart.

I would like to say to all my fellow mothers who are cracking the old online school whip, I'm cheering for you!

Also, I would like to say to myself, remember that motherhood is sometimes sort of delightful.  For example, Emma recently texted her categorized list of theorists:

So, motherhood has its ups and downs.


Geri said...

I read theorists at first as terrorists and I was a little concerned and confused. Once I read Plato I went back and read more carefully. Emma is unique.

Olivia Cobian said...

You are hilarious...and you're doing a great job of this difficult mothering stuff.


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