
Friday, September 4, 2020

Grateful Friday

Despite everything, Emma and Mark have both had callbacks this week (for Women's Chorus and a musical respectively).  What I really really want are some precedented times but the fact that life is (sort of) going on and they are (hopefully) going to be able to perform and do what they love is something I'm grateful about.


For all the bittersweetness of Mark's senior year, this is more sweet than bitter.  I remembered that with our other kids, I had them do their own laundry their senior year so they could learn the routine and learn how to fit it into the rest of their life.

I taught Mark how to use the washing machine and dryer last night.  My laundry workload has now been reduced by 33%.  There's nothing bitter about that.


Adam and I have the same healthy habit goal and we're taking walks together every evening as a result and I love that.


Our principal is really great and I'm grateful.  Yesterday I rewarded my class with donuts because they had earned it by being "perfect" according to the specialty teachers when they have class.  Also they're so quiet in the hall, sometimes I look back to see if they're still following me.  Maybe the masks are just settling them down?  Our principal came to celebrate with us and you would have thought we had a celebrity in our midst.  The kids were excited!  I was terrified of my principal when I was in elementary school.

Of course, he used to walk around with a paddle in his back pocket....

That was just how it was, but now I think, what was wrong with that guy?!?

I'm glad things are different now.

I'm figuring out a rhythm for school and I'm glad.  I'm a person who thrives with predicability and routines.  I'm finding my way much earlier than I did last school year.  Also I love the teachers I work with and I love my students.

Even when they make me a little crazy.

Third graders are my love language.

1 comment:

Edgar Cobian said...

I equate Mr. Jund with a wooden paddle, but I didn't know he carried it around in his pocket. I was just writing about him in my life story the other day.


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