
Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Disney Day

The Hope Squad is sponsoring a week of themes and activities.  Yesterday there was a Disney Showcase concert at the school anyway, so yesterday was deemed Disney Day.  I texted Emma and asked her if she had any Mickey ears I could borrow.  She said she did, somewhere in her room.  (cue ominous music) I found some!  The good news is that they were on a headband because I hate wearing hats.  The bad news was that I have a big head and they were kind of tight.

I was sure my students would be thrilled that I was wearing them, so I decided I would wear them just in the morning until the concert.  

When I opened the door to let them in, one of my students was wearing a Mickey ear headband too.  She was perturbed that I had "copied" her.  Apparently I wasn't the only person to copy her though.  About 25% of the teachers were also wearing Mickey ears.  

Reality doesn't always match up with our expectations.

Nicole, who is in the next classroom over from mine, wore her long hair wound up in Princess Leia buns.  I told her they looked good.  She said, "I realized on my way to school that I have a bunch of errands after school."

Reality doesn't always match up with our expectations.

We went to the concert, which was great fun.  Fourth through sixth graders had auditioned for parts and have been rehearsing for months.  They sang and danced to Disney songs.  They had costumes and stage presence and I loved it.

One of my students was very purposely seated at my feet so I could keep an eagle eye on him.  He spends most of his day in special ed. and is usually a few steps behind what is happening.  Right when the concert began, he said, "Wait.  I thought we were going to Disneyland."  

Reality doesn't always match up with our expectations.

Unrelated to Disney Day, but related to the disconnect between reality and expectations, our butterflies emerged from the chrysalises!  It has stressed me out, mostly because I don't want them to die on my watch.  I don't want heartbroken children because I killed their butterflies.

We went outside to release them.  I unzipped the little mesh cage.  Fly free butterflies!

They didn't.  Their wings didn't seem operational.  Do they need a little time before they're ready to launch?  I'm not a pet person.

One of them fluttered out and landed on the pavement.  One of my boys immediately tried to stomp on it.

Reality doesn't always match up with our expectations.

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