
Thursday, May 12, 2022

Wacky Wednesday + I drive myself crazy

It all began with a shoe on the wall...

Yesterday was Wacky Wednesday.  I wore two mismatched earrings.

Ignore the flash of my phone in my glasses...

One of my students wondered why I was wearing Christmas colors.

Everyone's a critic.

I wore this on my feet.

The shoes have identical heels but it was still weird wearing only one sock. My feet slid around differently on each shoe.

We had a fire drill and an occupational therapist was working with one of my students before the drill, so she stood next to me while we waited for the all clear to go inside.

After a few minutes, she ventured a guess.  "Is today a...dress up day?"

I told her it was Wacky Wednesday and she looked relieved.


I came home angsty yesterday and I realized it is because I am driving myself crazy.

My books in my classroom have been bugging me.  I have them categorized and my students don't heed the categorizations and it all gets to be a mess and it's not all that efficient anyway.  A wise idea would be to wait until summer to tackle the project.

I get a bee in my bonnet though.  I started tearing the shelves apart after school and stacking books and relabeling bins and then deciding to relabel them again.  Janelle came by and asked me a question and said, "Yes, this seems like a good time to be doing this."  And she's usually not sarcastic, but it really was merited.

I got things sorted and then I decided I didn't like it so I'm going to redo it, but I needed to go to the store so I abandoned ship.

Adam pointed out awhile ago that I'm a lot better at organizing things than keeping them organized.  He also said that I do stuff like that when I'm dissatisfied.  He said, "You rearrange furniture or books or something."  He is not wrong.

It's all part of driving myself crazy....

1 comment:

Marianne said...

I love you! We are the same person.


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