
Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Different rhythm

I think I'll get so much done on my to do list.  I'm home!  So much time!  Yesterday I had ministering interviews, phone conversations, Adam and I took Janelle to the airport, then I hung out at his office until Emma was done working (I had my LETRS training to do, but I answered text messages and got three phone calls while I was there).

I'm not getting all the things done.

It's a different rhythm than being unavailable during the day and keeping my head down and working.  My head is popping up every few minutes.  I'll get used to it though.  My estimations of how much I think I can get done will settle down closer to reality.

Braeden was one of my phone calls.  He told me that he had had the most harrowing morning of his life.  Anna went back to work for 6 hours and he was the stay at home dad for a baby who screamed most of the time.  She has been sick, poor little dear.  I'm sure that will not be what it is like every day.  I talked to Braeden about how parenting is leveling up though.  You experience much more joy and much more anguish.

In the joy department, the reason I was waiting for Emma is we wanted to go to Deseret Book and buy her temple clothes in preparation for her going to the temple in a few weeks!  It makes me so happy and a little teary to think about it.  I told her that every time I go to the temple, I think of going there with her.  We didn't calibrate our plans for the fact that Deseret Book closes at 6:00 on Mondays.  We got there at about 5:55.  I told the lady that I knew they were closing soon and we would be fast.  You know how you go to Deseret Book and, especially in the distribution center part, the nicest ladies on earth work there and sweetly help you?  

This was not like that.

This lady was bugged we were there and she wanted us gone.  We quickly grabbed a few things and will have to go back another time to get everything.

We met up with Adam at Bruges Waffles and Frites.  It was a new to us restaurant and was delicious and provided an opportunity for Emma to tell me I was wrong in pronouncing every French word I attempted.  I've said it before, I was much nicer to her when she attempted English.  It is still a delight to be with Emma.  I watched the drama unfold at a nearby table and recounted it all to Emma and Adam.  Sometimes don't you just want to follow people and see how the rest of their life goes?

After that Adam and I went to the World's Biggest Costco (because we like wandering around not knowing where anything is and we like shopping somewhere where they have goat cubes) and Home Depot.  

I have been to Home Depot more times in the past few months than the rest of my life combined.  

And I'm not that young.

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