
Thursday, June 2, 2022

Shifting sands

People keep asking me if I'm enjoying summer.

Is it summer?  I've been in meetings every day since school has been out, but today is the last one.  Then I'm fully ready to embrace summer.  Project city and I'm the mayor.  

My brain is alive with lists and sublists.  I want to do all the things.  I keep adding stuff to the list.  What can I do now to make things easier later?  (I usually think future Thelma is sort of incompetent, which isn't really fair of me, but there you go.)  What can I do to be productive?  What can I do to calm the crazy?  How can I read all these books?!?

I haven't settled into a summer routine yet (because I am still at school in meetings) so I am in this weird in between place where I am making plans but not really executing them yet.  The sand is shifting under my feet, but that's OK.  I'll get there.

I am learning from Miriam and Janelle.  Miriam has never in the history of the world ever not been sunny and optimistic.  When she's stressed, she says enthusiastically, "Let's go!"

Janelle 100% trusts future Janelle.  She knows she has good ideas and she knows she will yet have good ideas.  She also keeps a stream of consciousness type list going that she may or may not look at again.  But she doesn't need to.  Future Janelle has it covered.

Kate met with us yesterday too and I loved having her there.  We miss not having her on our team.  She figured out stuff along with us and helped us make copies, sort, paper clip, repeat.  Also she knew how to make a copy of our google classrooms which is amazing.

The world needs everybody.

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