
Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Today I'll get stuff done (hoping)

Yesterday I went to Salt Lake twice and shopped Amazon prime day deals.  It wasn't my most productive day ever.

(I also did laundry and errands and some school stuff, but I wasn't too productive.)

Also, I possibly found some Christmas presents for Eleanor.

It's never too early.

One of my SLC trips was a hair appointment.  Joelyn is my hairdresser and she is also a new grandma.  She sees her granddaughter about every day, which made me a little jealous.  We talked about books like we usually do, and gave each other recommendations (and also what not to read).  I asked her if she had pictures of her granddaughter.

She said, "Of course, why didn't we start with that?"

My second trip was going to the temple with Morgan.  Before the temple, we met at a Mexican restaurant. My dad ordered a hamburger because that is all he ever wants.  The tiny spunky waitress told him he was in the wrong restaurant.

I got a little teary when I saw Morgan inside the temple.  It was approximately 15 years ago that he joined the family as a tiny five-year-old.  He has flourished under Marianne and Robert's love and care.  Once, when it was one of their daughter's weddings, I can't remember which one, Marianne was lying on the floor and I was rubbing her back and she was lifting her head from time to time to give directions because wedding receptions don't just happen.  One of the people she was giving directions to was Morgan.  He gently put his foot on her back and said, "Shhhhh.  Relax.  Just relax."

I need him around here to do that to me on a daily basis.

Being in the temple with family is an amazing experience.  I love it (and them).

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