
Wednesday, June 23, 2021

A pinprick

I woke up at 2:30 AM from a dream that I was lying in bed and furniture was falling on me.  Sometimes when I have a dream I wonder, where did that come from? and sometimes I don't.

All is not lost though.  There is a light at the end of the tunnel.  It's a tiny light, a pinprick, but it's there.  They started taping the basement.  Yesterday they prepped the crown molding with an enormous ladder and then about the time they were leaving, the paper they'd taped to the ceiling started to come down.  Two steps forward and one step back.

Also, I found my socks last night before I went to bed.

All is not lost.

Yesterday morning I escaped to Nola's where there are no painters.  I sat in her pristine living room and just let my shoulders drop.  We had what ended up being an intense conversation about empty nests and worries about children.  We both cried a little and she went to get Kleenex.  She returned with two boxes and presented them to me, "Pick your depression color."

I picked the purple box.

An hour later, we went to the $5 movie (Emma joined us).  We saw In The Heights.  I loved it!  Nola keeps trying to talk me into Quiet Place II and I keep telling her that is too scary for me.

The painters tell me several times a day, "Don't stress!"

Does that sound like a person who should watch Quiet Place II?


Gwilliam Fam said...

When the painters are worried about your stress level, you know it’s bad!!

Edgar Cobian said...

What is Quiet Place II?


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