
Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Call me Nero

It felt a little like I was playing the fiddle while Rome was burning, but Emma and I organized books by color.

I did it several years ago, with dire results because I couldn't find anything.  This time it is just the fiction shelves.  (And I will probably do it on the YA shelves too.)  I'm going to organize the Newberys by the year they were written.  Why would I do this when there are 12,000 other things crying for my attention?

I don't know.

The heart wants what the heart wants.

Don't worry about those ones tilting on the bottom shelf.  I was going to locate a book end but then I found some more fiction books to add after taking the picture.  No tilting books!

Also, Mark didn't work yesterday (at least he didn't get paid).  I kept telling him to slow down and I'm not an 18 year old boy when we were moving heavy stuff together and he was walking too fast.

He said, "It would be easier if you held that away from your body."

I said, "I don't have enough upper body strength."

He said, "You know how you could get some?"

I'd like to see him give birth three times.  I have strength!  Just not the same as his.

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