
Thursday, July 11, 2024

Chipping away

We are chipping away at this heat wave.  Today is day two of temperatures around 100 degrees.  It should be a little cooler next week.  What a wonderful invention AC was!

I'm chipping away at earning my master's degree.

When I've had enough for the day, I'm chipping away at my summer to do list.

One thing I wanted to do was some doctor appointments.  Well, I didn't want to...

I am really good at going to the doctor when I'm sick.  Antibiotics?  Sign me up!

I am really terrible at the maintenance side of things.  Not interested.  Nope.  Preventative medicine is not my forte. 

I mustered my courage and called for an appointment.  The lady on the other end sort of gasped when I told her my age and the last time I'd had a physical or any of the sort of the diagnostic routine procedures you are supposed to get when you are my age.

I'm sorry.

I'm doing it now, OK?

Mark came over and assembled all the hardware/reattached the doors of the armoire.  He carried all the games upstairs and made a pile of ones he thought we should get rid of.

He said, magnanimously, "But it's up to you."

In the dictionary, under "youngest child," there's a little picture of my Markie.  He's the leading actor and the rest of us are supporting cast. 

I put everything away and this won't impress you because you didn't see the before, but just let me tell you, it was a hot mess.

I got rid of a pile of games (of my own choosing) and relocated some puzzles--which resulted in me relocating the candles.

There is a domino effect.

(Also, I dropped all the dominoes.)

The pictures on the wall were suddenly wrong (there used to be a small desk and a small bookcase there and the scale all played nicely.  Now, not so much.  I texted pictures to Fam-a-lam to get feedback and Emma was the only one to respond, but her opinion matters to me.  She thought it looked fine, but I thought the picture looked better than the reality.

I considered painting another wonky rendition of an actual artist's work, but then I remembered the Marimekko postcards Braeden and Anna gave me a while ago.

I clipped them all together and hung them up.

It was all wrong centered on the wall.  Those plants weren't doing their bit to offset it.  

When I was (I think) in junior high, I created a collage on the wall above my bed.  It was a big collage, the length of my bed and all the way to the ceiling.  I had torn pages I liked out of Seventeen magazine and tacked them up in what I considered to be a very pleasing way.

I got in trouble!

My parents did not share my vision or appreciate the many holes I put in the wood.

Regrettably, I have not changed my ways and I am not afraid to put holes in walls!

I centered it above the armoire and I'm not 100% happy about it, but it is better.

It looks like a little patchwork quilt and between that and the colorful rug, that room may give a bit of sensory overload, but I love it!  Also, I realized the top of the armoire is a whole surface I will now have at Christmas time.


Marianne said...

I love it! Can't wait to see it at Christmas!

Mark Dahl said...

It looks great Thelma. What a decorator you are.


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