
Monday, July 15, 2024

Weekend- headache edition

 I had a headache on Saturday and for part of Sunday.

I didn't enjoy it.

I get way fewer headaches than I used to and when I get one now, it feels like an affront.  It feels like a betrayal.

It hurts.

Adam and I went grocery shopping and I went through the mail and looked at my course a little.  Adam and the kids went swimming and we all met up for dinner at Feast.

I don't really like Feast, but they do and I like all of them.

Braeden had texted us earlier to let us know about the shooting at the Trump rally.  It was shocking and terrible.  None of us are fans of Trump, but it still felt awful and we are all grateful he is OK.

I am sad about the innocent bystander at the rally who lost his life.

I am also sad about the family of the shooter.  As a mother of adult children, I can't imagine.

Sunday I stayed home from church and spent the morning as a sad sack.  The bishop gave a shout out to people who were watching sacrament meeting at home (he said it in a more proper way, he didn't use the words shout out), but I appreciated him all the same.

Adam's Sundays are long and busy.  Mine yesterday was long and quiet.  Once I had mostly recovered from my terrible horrible no good very bad headache, I worked a little bit on my Sunday School lesson for next week.

Marie Louise is out of town, but I worked on some of her family history so I will have something to share with her next time we get together.  

I was researching one of her relatives and found this:

I couldn't read the article unless I had a subscription to a newspaper archive website, so I signed right up for a free 7-day trial.  I have watched enough British murder mysteries to feel qualified to solve the puzzle!

Turns out they had click bait in 1932 also because the title of the article was a little misleading.  It was deemed a suicide.  Maybe the puzzle was they didn't know why?  

So I didn't need to solve a murder mystery after all.

But I'm ready.

Emma didn't come over because she had ward prayer.  (I am so glad that she is getting more involved in her ward!) Mark texted he wasn't coming over because he was doing something with his roommates and I was also happy about that.  When you have these two introverts, you value times when they're being people-y.

After Adam got home, Braeden called with a FaceTime call.  I answered and QE said, "Pa-paaaaa?" in her adorable little voice.  I quickly found Papa for her.  We had a great time chatting with her.  She wanted to look around our house and I walked around with the phone, showing her things.  When I showed her Horace, she giggled.  "A goat in the house!" She said, "I memember Nana's house!"

Like I told Adam later, it's Nana's house, but she wants to know where Papa is.

Next, she wanted to see the toys so I showed her every stuffed animal.  A lot of the other toys she had played with were put away.  She said, "More toys," and I distracted her with reading to her which always works.

After three books I told her it was time for us to go eat dinner and she was a little sad to say good-bye and  that a little bit makes me glad because she likes us, but mostly makes me sad because I only ever want her to be happy.

This morning I am back at it with WGU.  

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