
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

One of the lesser known circles of hell

It's statistics.

Maybe you already knew that.

That's the course I'm working on and it is really hard.

I did what any intelligent woman would do (although I was seriously doubting I had any intelligence at that point) and texted Braeden.

 I called him and he got a white board and marker and was explaining so enthusiastically that he woke up QE.

I took a screenshot while he went to check on her because he is so adorable.

He explained it to me and I finally understood 3% of it, which is way more than I understood previously.  

I said, "The next thing is inferential statistics."
He said, "I was hoping you would ask me about that!"

He said, "This is really cool, Mom!"

It wasn't.  I will never be a statistician.  I do have a smart boy though and I was his teacher through 7th grade so I'm taking the win on that one.

Also, you never met anyone with so much enthusiasm.  About anything.

Mark came over later and I wailed to him about statistics.  He said, "Wearing that Yale shirt isn't making you any smarter, huh?"

I was wearing an old t-shirt of Emma's that she got when we went to New England.  I said, "No, it's not!"

Mark then told me that it was good for me to learn hard things and even if it didn't feel super relevant right now it was making me smarter and that was what mattered.

I said, "Why are you using my words against me?!?"

He laughed.  I offered to make him a smoothie and he said yes, so I did and we chatted awhile.

I really needed the brain break.

If this is the last blog post I ever write, you will know that statistics killed me.  

Good-bye cruel world.


Marianne said...

I believe in you!!

Olivia Cobian said...

I will also never be a statistician. When I was a research assistant at BYU and needed to come up with some statistics to show our findings, I asked Adam for help. He set me up with some Excel formulas. At least you have the people who can help you through this!

Mark Dahl said...

I agree with you all on statistics. It was the hardest class I ever took.


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