
Friday, July 5, 2024

Grateful Friday

 I'm grateful I was able to get some work done on my masters degree--while intermittently icing my knee and taking Advil and Tylenol.  

I'm a lot of fun.

I was grateful to be able to go to Olivia's and quilt for a little while with my mom and Olivia.

I was grateful we had a get together at Marianne and Robert's.  I had Robert's fresh raspberries on a s'more and it completed me.

Clockwise from tallest:  my dad, my uncle Demar, aunt Lora, Olivia, my mom, Robert, Adam and me in Marianne and Robert's lovely sunroom

Olivia's boys, Ammon and Omar, were there too, but here are the big kids:  Liliana, Jill (my cousin Lincoln's daughter), Carolina and Mark

Mark took five cousins and one second cousin to watch the fireworks in Wells.  It was less about the fireworks and more about them having fun being together.

We got pictures of the beach from Braeden (they fled the heat for the coast) and pictures from our house from Emma (she had friends over for fireworks and s'mores).

It was a good day.

And I'm grateful to be going home today.

1 comment:

Olivia Cobian said...

It was so fun to be with you!


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