
Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Red forever

 Yesterday I went to Costco with Mark to get his tire checked.  He had a flat in Nevada and we had Wells' finest repair it, but they suggested we get a second opinion.

I'm just going to say it, that didn't instill a lot of confidence.

While we were waiting for their verdict at the Costco tire shop, Mark and I shopped and then sat at one of the tables in the food court and waited.  I decided to put my purchases in the shopping bags I had brought and Mark was helping me and tipped one of those chicken taco containers over on its head.  The contents went everywhere.  Mark felt very bad about the whole situation and cleaned it all up.  Then, when we were sitting there, a Costco employee came up and said, "My supervisor saw what happened.  I'll get you a new one.  No charge."

You've gotta love Costco.

The guys at Costco said they do a different kind of plug, but they thought it would hold.

So besides the fact that they didn't have gluten free pizza, it was a good trip.

I worked on my degree and painted the armoire.

I told Emma I wanted to paint it bright red that was slightly faded because it had been sitting out in the sun for a while and she nodded her approval, knowing exactly what I meant.  

Goes to show my daughter gets me.

Mark's going to come over Wednesday and reattach all the hardware and bring all the games from downstairs upstairs.

Goes to show it's nice having a son who will do your bidding.  

Braeden called to give me the update on potty training QE (there are some parts of parenting I am grateful are in the rear view mirror and that is one of them).

I showed him my painting and he said, "I never liked that armoire.  I don't like dark wood."

Goes to show your children may never outgrow disapproving your choices.

I said, "Well, now it's red."

Braeden said, "I like red.  Because you do."

So there's that.

Today I'm going to Show Up for Teachers, which is a conference for (you'll never guess...teachers) in Salt Lake.  There are two carpools of teachers from my school going to the conference.  One group is meeting at 6:30 AM.  Jamie is driving the other carpool and she wondered what time we wanted to leave.  She said the other group was going early to check out the swag.

I said I couldn't imagine any amount of swag that would be worth meeting that early.

We're meeting at 7:45.

I'm excited to be with my friends!


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