
Thursday, July 4, 2024

Independence Day

 Happy 4th of July to you!  I love being an American and I'm grateful to have been born here and for all of the opportunities and advantages I have because I was born here.


I have questions.

Are those really the two best candidates?!?

For the next while we may all just be giving each other searching looks, "Are we going to be OK?"


Happy 4th of July anyway.  It's a dream worth believing in.

We are back in Starr Valley.  We drove this far yesterday.  It is cool and pleasant--about 30 degrees cooler than where we were.  Mark met us here and had the bugs all vacuumed and the mousetraps all gathered up by the time we'd arrived.  (No mice!)

I did some laundry at my parents' house and I came back and while the pizza was cooking, I marshaled the troops to move one of the mattresses into the blue room.  (I've named the guest rooms and bought bedspreads to match.)  Adam and Mark were moving the mattress and I was backing up out of the way and I hit the corner of a chair and had a terrific crash ending with my leg at a bad (and very painful) angle.  If QE had fallen that way, she wouldn't have noticed.


So I am hobbling a bit and woke up a lot during the night--it hurts every time I move.  I am hoping it will heal quickly and I feel pretty dumb and clumsy, but what can you do?

We are having a family party later and no fireworks from the deck this year, but Emma will be there with some friends, holding down the fort and bearing witness to Utah County blowing itself up.

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