
Friday, February 22, 2019

Grateful Friday

I've been grinning all week whenever I think of Mark's new job.  It is such a blessing for him to have a job he likes.  He said the other day, "I wish it weren't a whole week until I can go to work again."

That is nothing like any job I had as a teenager.

Mark and I took an excursion to the mall for work clothes.  He needs to wear dark sort of dressy clothes.  Basically what he'd wear to church except for not a white shirt.  He shunned everything dark blue, green, purple or burgundy.  He's colorblind and prefers wearing gray because, like he said, "I know it matches."

He looked so handsome (and happy), I convinced him to let me snap a picture when he got home from work the first night.

Then I had him lie on the bed next to me (it was late and I was already in my pjs) and tell me all about it.

"Well," he began, "I'm blue collar now.  I have joined the workforce."

Mark likes that it's at a theater and that his sister (who is one of his biggest fans) is there.  He likes the people and the work.

Mostly, I think he likes earning money. He has always loved money and he thinks about it and keeps track of it.  Because he prizes money, he is very grateful when money is spent on him.  When we had repairs for the van (which he drives now) he was a little shell-shocked at the cost.  "Thank you so much," he said, "I would never have been able to pay for that myself."  (Since it isn't his car, we wouldn't expect him to pay but I appreciated that he recognized the benefit of a car to drive.)

Since he values money, that could be why he almost fell off his stool the other day while eating breakfast when I told him about some of the wacky components of the "New Green Deal."

"That goes against every principle of economics!" he said.

Being raised in the same household by the same parents, we somehow got one child who loves politics, another who loves poetry and art and another who loves economics.  And they have strong opinions.

Since their father texts things like this, I don't think I should have expected anything except an interesting ride with these kids:

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