
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

My sidekick

I'm nothing if not obedient (except speed limits--sometimes it is not humanly possible to drive that slowly), so when they announced before every show of Anything Goes that we were not to take pictures, I didn't take pictures.

I did snap one during the curtain call the last night.

Mark had a lot of fun and he's glad it's over.  Like he said, "I want my life back."

He's a bit of an introvert and he's happy to have more time.

We celebrated more time by conquering a big project.  Mark is hands down my favorite partner in crime for rearranging things.  He is first and foremost big and strong so he can move things easily (plus he has lots of experience).  He is creative and flexible in thinking about spaces and willing to take risks and try things and humor me.  He is the one that knows when something won't work and he knows which way we have to approach hallways and turns and stairs because he has spatial awareness for days.

With Adam gone this week on a business trip, it was the perfect time to tackle a big switcharoo.  Adam hates change in his surroundings but I've learned he mostly hates contemplating change and having to come up with ways to change his surroundings.  If I do all the changing while he's gone, he comes home and may or may not notice right away and can adapt easily (as long as I don't change his office--I'm not crazy).

Mark and I moved two pieces of furniture from the top floor to the basement and moved two big pieces of furniture out of his room.  We sorted through all the things.

Then I started on a new project (because I was exhausted so why not?).  On Saturday one of our neighbors posted on Facebook that she was getting rid of a dresser if anyone wanted it.  I did.  Adam said, "But where are you going to put it?"

I said, "I don't know yet."

I mostly wanted to restore and paint a dresser.

Then Mark piped up that he wanted to change his room so the rest was history.  I gave him a dresser from upstairs which will work better in his room and I have a blank spot in my office waiting for the new one.

The new dresser is anything but new.  It was pretty beat up and very rickety.  I had Mark help me flip it over onto a table in the garage so we could assess.  Then he gave me advice on what he thought would help stabilize it.

Mark doesn't really know anything about woodworking but then, neither do I.  Mark is good at making strong Lego structures though and the skills must translate because the dresser is now in pretty good shape, at least structurally.

I love a good project.

And a good sidekick.

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