
Friday, May 1, 2020

Grateful Friday

Yesterday and today I should have been at Women's Conference at BYU.  I had my days off all approved and a substitute in place.


I love BYU Women's Conference and I know they're streaming parts of it but it isn't the same without trying to keep up with my long legged sisters as they stride across campus and visiting with them and my mom and my aunt and cousins.

It isn't the same.

And my friend Erin was going to be there too!  We were roommates at BYU and we could have relived our glory days!

I saw that the deaths in the United States from Covid-19 have surpassed the deaths of Americans in the Vietnam War.

(Then I read on Facebook the crazy pants people calling the whole thing a hoax because it's an election year and I think, "Why do I even ever go on Facebook?!?")

So me missing Women's Conference isn't the worst thing ever (considering all the people that are truly suffering.)

Emma and I took a walk the other day and she lamented about the financial hole she is still in from her trip to France.  She was hoping to earn a lot of money this spring as a door manager and box office worker at the theater.

I reminded her that at least she has a safety net.  Independent girl said, "But I don't want to rely on a you and Dad.  I want to work!"

I get it.

At the same time, I feel really grateful that the worst effect this has had on us is frustration and inconvenience and disappointment.

I know a lot of people have it worse.

(And I got to take a walk on a sunny spring morning with Emma.  The coronavirus giveth and the coronavirus taketh away.)

1 comment:

Olivia said...

I am so sad about Women's Conference. I had been especially excited about it this year... I miss you!


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