
Friday, August 21, 2020

Grateful Friday

Yesterday I taught my class how to log into Chromebooks.  This, my friends, is not for the faint of heart.  I was running around and saying, "No, don't touch that!"  "No, don't click there."  "Click there."  "Well, your mouse isn't plugged in, that's why it isn't working."  "Oh, see?  You unplugged your mouse again...." "You typed the password wrong."  "Stop clicking buttons!"  "Nobody touch anything."  "Everybody put your hands on top of your head."

Yes, I resorted to acting like we were in a holdup situation.

But we did it.  And they'll get super fast at it.  Eventually.


I had recess duty.  At the beginning of recess, the sprinklers inexplicably started going on the big soccer field and those boys were having a heyday getting soaking wet.

The principal came out and got everybody out of the water and the water got shut off.

Every year the 3rd grade boys protest about the 4th grade boys' treatment of them on the soccer field.  Mostly the 4th graders play on the big field and the 3rd graders play on the little field but there are inevitably boys that mix it up.  And there's conflict.  I was breaking up a fight betwixt soccer playing boys on the little field when those sprinklers started going.  And they are not fine mist sprinklers watering a gentle circle of lawn.  They are powerful.  I was about ten feet away from one.  I got drenched, but good news!  It's a heatwave in the desert and I dried fast.

Today I'm grateful that I can teach and that I have a supportive family who picks up all the slack.  I'm grateful for my adorable students.

One little girl shyly told me this week that I was the teacher she was hoping she would get.  Seriously, they don't even have to pay me.

(I mean, I'll take it.)

I need more sleep and I need to get a handle on everything but I'm grateful for this life.  And I'm really (really) grateful it is Friday.

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