
Thursday, August 27, 2020


All last year, I never sat on the super wobbly stool in my classroom.  It seemed risky.  This year, I've thrown caution to the wind.  These are dangerous pandemic times; I'll sit on the super wobbly stool because it is the right height for my document camera.

Then yesterday the stool collapsed. 

While I was sitting on it.

With my amazing cat like reflexes, I managed to not land on the floor.

One adorable little wag said, "Maybe that happened because you're old."

If he weren't so cute, I wouldn't have forgiven him so quickly.

And I am old.

Also yesterday I was pulling into the one way parking lot with my eye on a spot.  Another car came darting in, going the wrong way and zipped into the spot.  It was a pint sized Hyundai hatchback driven by one of the first year teachers who looks like she belongs in high school still.  She even wears joggers to school.

It reminded me of the scene in Fried Green Tomatoes when Kathy Bates' character has a similar thing happen to her.  The young women who took her spot said they were "younger and faster."

Kathy Bates' character demolished the younger women's car with her car and replied she was older and had more car insurance. 

That young teacher better watch it.  I'm old enough to break stools.


Unknown said...

I immediately thought of "Fried Green Tomatoes" too--"Face it, girls. I'm older and I have more insurance."

Are you getting a new stool?

Unknown said...

PS: This is Olivia, otherwise known as Unknown.


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