
Friday, August 28, 2020

Grateful Friday

I'm grateful I get to be a teacher.  Some days it's hard and I come home and cry because I feel overwhelmed and so very tired.  

I also love it though.  

I have one student who asked me for several days in a row if I'd watched Bunk'd on Netflix.  He had me write it down so I wouldn't forget.  He pointed out the apostrophe and said, "That is important."

So Adam and I watched an episode (I'm letting 8 year olds boss me around).  It's from the Disney channel and it has all the highly saturated color and sassy kids that Disney channel excels at.

The next morning I told him I'd watched.

"Did your children watch it with you?"

Why do I think he'll never be satisfied until he completely runs my life?

Also, I had a student bring me a bag of grapes from her backyard.  She was so proud of them.  And they were delicious.

I like being a teacher.  That is all.


I'm also grateful for schools in general.  I am glad I homeschooled Braeden and Emma and Mark and I will never regret that decision for a minute, but I'm also grateful for schools.  I'm grateful for the good places they have been for my children, places where they are loved and cared for and taught.  I'm grateful for the parade of students that walk into my school every morning.  Some of them look a little hangdog and like they need a lift and I 100% know they will get it in their classroom.  Without an exception, their teachers love them and are trying hard.  I know that.  I've been there in the evening when the parking lot is still full and the teachers are giving their all.

Speaking of homeschool, I'm grateful that the new student I just got (who was homeschooled up until now), was actually homeschooled.  Most students we come across who were "homeschooled" come to us illiterate and I understand why teachers think it's so crazy when I say I homeschooled my children.


I'm grateful every time I go to the dentist and there are no problems with my teeth.  We had appointments this week and they went well.

I hate tooth problems.


I'm grateful every single day for Adam.  He's the one who comforts me on the days I come home and cry.  He believes in me and tells me it will get better.  He picks up slack and gives me good advice and makes me grateful.

Every single day.

1 comment:

Olivia Cobian said...

You are such a blessing to your students and your school...and to me!


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