
Tuesday, April 13, 2021

I'm back

My friend Jamie told me after school that the Monday after Spring Break was the hardest Monday.  She's not kidding.

I looked at the stack of papers on my desk when I walked in my classroom yesterday morning and they seemed vaguely familiar but not quite.  I felt like I was three steps behind all day.

The weather is warmer and the students are antsy.

Meanwhile we have testing coming up and it's crunch time.

Meanwhile we have lots of home/family stuff too.

Geri stayed with us last night.  She's flying to Atlanta for a week and then she'll be back for BYU graduation celebrating next week.  It is exciting and wonderful, these graduates!

We signed Mark up for housing; he has a math placement test on Wednesday for USU.  He put all the dates of when his musical is on the calendar.

(You never met anyone so laissez faire about their housing.)

My mind is humming.

I asked the 4th grade teachers if we could please figure out when we are collaborating this summer because a girl needs to plan.  Story of my life.  For me, planning is a security blanket.

I don't really have a lot to say or time to say it but I didn't want to disappoint Marianne....


Marianne said...

I appreciate your efforts on my behalf. :) When is Mark's show?

Mark Dahl said...

I have missed your blog. I also wonder about Mark's show and about graduation.
Your mom


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