
Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Living the dream

Ever since I was a little girl, I thought glasses on a chain were the thing. They seemed really practical and also glamorous.  I don't know.  I was a weird kid.  Adam knew that about me and a few years ago, before I even had reading glasses, he bought me two glasses chains for Christmas, a silver one and a gold one.

Because a girl needs options.

I enlisted the chains into mask service.  I attached them to my masks last year and it was super handy.

I am at the I-need-reading-glasses stage of life.  This summer, I tried one contact corrected for far and one for near at the suggestion of my cousin Margaret.  They made me a little dizzy for a few days but I got used to that.  The problem was that the distance wasn't crisp enough.  Sitting in my classroom, I could tell what time it was on the clock across the room, but the numbers weren't perfectly clear.

It bugged me.

Also, my prescription had changed a little so I got new contacts for the new prescription.  Those clock numbers are crystal clear!  Seeing things at a distance is great!  Up close is way worse with the new contacts.  I'm not sure how that works.  When I wear my glasses with the old prescription, I can read small words.  When I wear my new contacts, I can't.

So I've been using reading glasses a lot at school.  I was pushing them up onto my hair when I didn't need them and my hair would get tangled around the hinges and then I remembered the glasses chains!

I sent a picture to my family yesterday, feeling jubilant.

I proudly showed Janelle and she said, "Most people wouldn't...want that."

I am not most people.  The heart wants what the heart wants.  Picture me, strutting around my (very crowded) classroom feeling practical and glamorous.

(Speaking of my crowded classroom, we are interviewing applicants on Friday after school.  Hoping the new teacher starts sometime next week.  At the end of the tunnel there's a light!)


Mark Dahl said...

I love the glasses chain and am so happy you get a new teacher. Your mom

Olivia Cobian said...

Remember Connie Blackett at the drugstore? I loved her glasses chain!


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