
Monday, September 27, 2021


Friday after school we had six candidates for third grade teacher to interview.  I discovered I don't like interviewing.  I want to hire them all because I know how awful interviewing and being rejected is.

We selected the best candidate for the job though.  We chose the PE teacher.  Janelle and I wanted her because we like her and know she's a good teacher but also because we know the kids already love her and the transition will be easier for them.

I felt lighter knowing help was on the way!

Adam and I went to dinner and stopped by the school to give Miriam (the new teacher) the key to her new classroom.  She was already getting things ready.

Also, because I had a bee in my bonnet about my classroom library, we went to two Walmarts to buy bins to store books.

Two Walmarts on a Friday night shows you we know how to party.

Saturday morning, I hosted a brunch at our house to show appreciation to the ladies who are serving in Relief Society.  The other members of the presidency said they would bring the food if we could have it at our house.

It was a very nice party to prepare for.  All I had to do was set the table, which is my favorite thing anyway.

We had a lovely time.  We laughed a whole lot and a few times eyes welled with tears which is pretty much par for course when you have women together who love each other and talk about real things.

In the afternoon, I picked up Janelle and we went back to the school.  Janelle's car is in the shop so Adam and I got the idea to let her drive the van, which has been parked on the side of our house since Mark left.

Adam said he would clean it out (did I mention Mark had been driving it?) and meet us at the school.  He pulled it into the garage to clean it and then couldn't get it started again.  He couldn't get the battery charged and when he removed his foot from the gas or turned the key to off, it would make a clicking sound like it was trying to start.

I decided it was probably haunted, which seemed like the most likely reason.

Mark thought that it missed him and had lost the will to live since he'd left.

You can see we're very scientific with our diagnosis of car troubles.

Adam and Emma came to the school in Adam's car and we helped Miriam hang bulletin boards and organize stuff.  Everyone was better at cutting the big sheets of paper off the roll than me.  

Miriam said it was because I was short, which was offensive.  I'm not short.

I mean, compared to her and every member of the family I grew up in I am short, but I'm not short.

Miriam played college basketball and is 6'1".  We were chatting about height while she was doing the stapling up top and she said her parents were "really short."  Her dad is 5'10" and her mom is 5'7".  I said, "That's not short!"

No one believes me.

I need shorter friends.

I worked more on my class library and I ended up not happy about it.  I told Adam that the make do part of my personality was warring with the I want it to look good part of my personality and I was losing.

Adam just shakes his head at me at times like that.

Kind of like how Miriam shook her head at me when I said I wasn't short. 

When we got home, Adam tried to deal more with the haunted/missing Mark van.  We had talked to my parents earlier and he'd had my dad weigh in on the mystery.  My dad said, "That's strange."

Then he suggested unhooking and re hooking up the battery connection.  The car version of turning it off and on again, I guess.

It didn't help.  We took the battery to Auto Zone (by we, I mean I held the door open for Adam while he carried that heavy thing).  They said it was dead.  A good diagnosis.  It's not that old of a battery so there is some other trouble. 

I'm not ruling out it is haunted.

Sunday was a migraine day.

We also talked to our kids and I did a little yoga which helped my whole neck, back, headache situation.  Braeden and Anna told us that they both got new church callings, Braeden is a YM advisor and Anna is the second counselor int he YW presidency.  It made me happy thinking of those two serving.  Mark told Braeden an idea for the young men and it was a game that Adam had made up and taught Mark when Adam was his leader.

It is a blessing to our boys that they watched Adam serve so well all those years.

Sunday night we capped off the day with watching a new episode of the Great British Baking Show.  It is pretty much the icing on the cake to any weekend.

Plus it was cake week.


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