
Wednesday, September 29, 2021

One day more

Ever since school started, I have felt like I was in survival mode.   I was doing what had to be done that day.  And there was a lot.  With so much new curriculum and new training and you know...all the kids (Oh, have I mentioned my big class?  I don't really talk about it much....ha), there hasn't been time for the kind of regular administrative and physical maintenance that keeps things running smoothly and a classroom tidy.

It was starting to catch up with me in a big way.  For example, my desk looked more like a pile than a desk.  A haphazard pile that was either going to topple or self combust at any minute.

Yesterday I stayed at school for eleven hours to try to put things in order.

Emma brought me dinner.

I would have stayed longer except I had to go to Relief Society.

Today I'm going to stay late too.  For one thing, we are doing the big desk move after school.  We invited all the teachers at the school to the party.

I am SO ready for a smaller class.

Yesterday was picture day and when I took my group to the gym, the lady taking the pictures said, "So, this is two classes?"

"Just one," I said.

Her eyes widened.

I know, I wanted to tell her, I know.

A word about Relief Society.  I didn't really want to go because I wanted to either stay at school or go home and sleep.  I went though and I'm glad I did.

It was a craft night and I went around from table to table, chatting with my friends and making pretty things.

Sometimes you do something out of obligation and it ends up being exactly what you needed.


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