
Thursday, October 21, 2021

Thelma gets political

I read these words in a NYTimes opinion piece that was pro-abortion.


This is what happens when the law treats embryos and fetuses as people with rights that supersede the rights of those who carry them.

Michelle Goldberg

I think my head jerked up at the words.  Kind of like when someone says something bizarre and you say, "What?!?"

It was as if I had read:

This is what happens when the law treats other drivers on the road as people with rights that supersede the rights of those who want to drink and drive.

Motherhood is when your baby's rights supersede the mother's.  Hormones cause mother's bodies to get all crazy when they're pregnant.  Then their bodies get stretched out of shape.  A pregnant woman feels real and intense pain.  And that's all before the birth.  Afterward, there's the healing and recovery while you're trying to take care of a needy and insistent human that is completely dependent on you.  Mothers lose sleep when they need it most.  Mothers can't eat, shower, rest, work, or do literally anything unless it is in the parameters of this tiny person's erratic schedule. 

How could someone give a dire warning that if people don't pay attention, Roe v. Wade could be overturned and mother's rights wouldn't supersede babies' rights?  Mothers rights have never superseded babies' rights.

That's part of the gig.

This is yet another example that I see everywhere of people trying to ram and twist something true into something false so it will fit their narrative.

The only way it works to negate an unborn child's rights is to decide they aren't a child.  That same dehumanizing must have been what enabled people to own slaves.

There are truths in the world and you can twist them all you want, but they are still true.  Motherhood is hard and selfless and a wholesale giving over, at least for a little while, of all your rights and needs in favor of a little baby's.

Then one day your redheaded baby who was never, not ever, easy to raise, texts you this:

It's hard.  But it's worth it, because someday that tiny tyrant who you loved so much from the moment you found out you were pregnant that you'd sacrifice everything, loves you back.


Marianne said...

This made me cry!

Gwilliam Fam said...


Mark Dahl said...

I love this one, Thelma. What a gift you have of words.

Olivia Cobian said...

So good! Thelma for president!

Geri said...

So very true.


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