
Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Christmas joys for good little girls and boys

A school in a more wealthy neighborhood had a project.  Each family purchased a pair of pajamas that would fit their student, then huge boxes of pajamas were delivered to our school, one for each student!

It is an amazing gift and we are all so excited (the teachers, the kids don't know yet).

It was all hands on deck, sorting and sifting.  We held up pajamas and named students, "Would this fit _____?"  We located styles that we hoped would delight specific students.  It all just warms my heart so much.

This is the box I brought home.  I found enough gift bags to package them up (I ran out of Christmas ones, but I don't think they'll mind). 

I decided to send them home wrapped, to be opened at home.  I don't want them comparing and feeling cheated they didn't get the dinosaur pajamas.  They are pretty good at you get what you get and you don't throw a fit but I don't want to test that theory too much.

There is inflation and natural disasters, an ongoing pandemic and strife, strife, strife.

There is also a school full of students who will get a brand new--tags still on--pair of pajamas picked out by another student in a different school.

There is good in the world.

Speaking of good.  I got this yesterday, surreptitiously placed face down on my desk.

I am pretty sure this is in response to the email I sent to his mom because he was most certainly not doing what he was "opose" to do.

I'm tempted to frame it and hang it on the wall and refer to it as often as needed.  "See?  You promised!"

It was also very sweet.  What a little cutie.


Mark Dahl said...

Oh, Thelma, you made me cry again. I hope all of those pajamas fit and they are all happy.

Marianne said...

So lovely!

Olivia Cobian said...

My online math students are working on their own for a few minutes so I'm reading your blog. Hopefully my glasses will cover these tears! I love Christmas and the service and love it brings!


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