
Friday, December 10, 2021

Grateful Friday

I had to pay for it with inside recess  Inside recess + the first snow and the kids are dying to get outside and mostly just want to stare out the window is not a winning combination.

Add the ones from Central America who have never seen snow and pretty much tune out English anyway.

Oh boy.

But here's the view out my window when I got home yesterday.  It is lovely and I'm grateful for snow.

Let it snow snow snow!


It is this boy's birthday today:

He was going to come home for the weekend and I had all sorts of birthday cheer planned.

Then, he realized that he needed to get some things done for school and the semester is ending next week and he couldn't come home after all.  I was OK with that.  He'll be home soon enough, but then I was really really sad too.  Even though Mark is my baby, he left a GIANT hole when he went to college.

I am not going into school today, but doing training instead (may the odds be forever in my sub's favor).  I got a hare brained idea and texted Adam:

We would stay the night in Logan but we have a funeral to attend tomorrow morning and the subsequent lunch to help with.  I love having a husband that is up for anything.

I woke up with a smile on my face, I look forward to dashing through the snow with my favorite person in all the world to see the red head that lights up my world.  I am grateful for today.


Mark Dahl said...

Loved your post.

Marianne said...

Hope Mark's birthday was wonderful!


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