
Monday, January 24, 2022


After school on Friday I felt very tired and run down.  My throat was sore.  Did I have Covid?  It's always the question when I feel sick and it's the question I'm so tired of wondering about.

I felt better Saturday; I was still tired but generally I felt better.  I considered I would go ahead and go to the stake conference meetings we had.  I would wear a mask and stay away from other people.

I was sitting in a chair, mustering the courage to get out of the chair and Adam said, "You look exhausted. Why don't you stay home and watch the meetings?"  (They were being broadcast.)  Then he said, "You won't get any bonus points for going."

I had been looking forward to bonus points, but I agreed with him and I stayed home.  Adam was gone most of the day, assisting the stake presidency in his steady and helpful way.  

There was a leadership breakout session for Relief Society and Elders Quorum presidencies.  Adam told me there were five different leadership breakout sessions streaming at the same time.  He said it was like the opening Thursday of March Madness.  I don't exactly know what that means, but it sounds like a busy time. 

A member of the stake presidency, both patriarchs in our stake and the mission president and his wife spoke to us.  It was such a wonderful meeting!  I went in our bedroom and turned on the fireplace and snuggled under a blanket with my laptop and watched the meeting.  I felt warm inside and out.

The patriarch who gave Mark his blessing talked about the overwhelming feeling he hadn't expected that he has every time he gives individuals a blessing.  He said that he is astounded by the love Heavenly Father has for them and that none of us truly understand who we are.

He quoted President Boyd K. Packer from a conference talk he gave in 1989.  It was the second time this week that I'd heard it quoted.

You are a child of God. He is the father of your spirit. Spiritually you are of noble birth, the offspring of the King of Heaven. Fix that truth in your mind and hold to it. However many generations in your mortal ancestry, no matter what race or people you represent, the pedigree of your spirit can be written on a single line. You are a child of God!

It made me consider the sacred experience of being there for each of our children's patriarchal blessings.  It was a glimpse into their potential and pedigree as a child of God.  What a blessing for parents to be able to feel that.

For the evening adult session, I also watched from home.  All the talks were so good!  People who have been through serious trials spoke with conviction about their trust in God and the comfort they get from keeping their covenants.

Sunday morning Adam had to go to the church bright and early but our ward was invited to watch online so I was home again.  It was two more hours of goodness.  Tito Santamaria, who is a good good man in our ward was one of the speakers.  He grew up in Chile and I've never met anyone who has more gratitude.  He loves his family and our ward and Pleasant Grove and Utah and America.  He said that he loves living here in Pleasant Grove, the capitol of Utah. (He's also funny.)

It is a pretty pleasant grove.  And I felt so much better by Sunday afternoon that I even cleaned the kitchen.  

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