
Friday, April 24, 2020

Grateful Friday

Insomnia moves in and out of my life with random abandon.  The other night when I couldn't sleep, I decided I was grateful for my comfortable bed.  Not everyone has one.  Then I gave up the fight and went to read in my office.  It wasn't terrible.  I'm grateful that I don't have to get up early for school when I don't sleep well.

When we dropped off our movie gift bags, Nola and I were talking about getting older and she said her body is slower.  She went running and saw a young whippersnapper run past and she thought, "That used to be me."

(It never used to be me.)

We also talked about how great it is to be getting older.  We take less nonsense.  She said the things we think at 40 are the things we just go ahead and say at 50.  I'm grateful to be getting sassier and to have friends getting sassier along with me.

Along with Liliana and Ruben, Mark is taking an online accounting class from my mom.  My mom has never not looked for more projects to do and mostly they are for the improvement of people she loves.  I reminded Mark before he started, "You know Grandma Dahl doesn't do anything halfway.  You're going to have to work hard."

He said, "I know."

He likes it though.  He has always been interested in money and I think he likes checking in with his grandma and cousins too.  They chat a little but mostly get down to business.  Because, my mom.  I'm grateful for my mom who is smart and driven and selfless with her time.

Tonight we're meeting our girl Desi, who is in Provo for a few days, and Braeden and Anna for a picnic.  There's nothing about that that doesn't make me grateful.

1 comment:

Olivia Cobian said...

I love the things I overhear from Mark during accounting class. One day he said, "Yeah, I may have added a few extra zeros in there..." Love that kid!


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