
Thursday, April 16, 2020

'Rona life

Mark said, "I need help with math."

I took calculus in high school.  Adam did too.  Adam is the smartest person I know.  We have no idea how to help him with his math.  (It's not that his math is super advanced.  It's that it is in a different language than math from the '90s plus we don't remember.)

"What do you need?" I asked with trepidation.  He started talking about sequences and I forgot to listen to the rest because I didn't know what he was talking about.

"Emma!" I called.  She emerged from her room.  She left the class she was listening in on.  She retrieved graph paper (because she just has some?) and sat down with Mark and started explaining.

Earlier, Emma had groused that we didn't have anything good for breakfast.  I had told her something along the lines of deal with it.

Now, with renewed appreciation and gratitude I asked, "What would you like me to buy you for breakfast?"

She knew she was in a position of ultimate power so she didn't pull any punches.  "Reese's Puffs," she declared confidently.

"Done!" I declared.

"What about me?" Mark asked.

"Do your math," I said.

1 comment:

Olivia said...

If Emma isn't readily available, try Kahn Academy. Its short videos have been helpful for my kids. Emma's better though.


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