
Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Spring break: friends, from distance

Well, the painters didn't come yesterday.  They had scheduling problems because painters have been quitting because of the virus....

They are supposed to come today.

So, that was frustrating when my entire kitchen has been moved to the family room, but not the end of the world.  It was still a very lovely day.

I trimmed the laurel bush that the deer had decimated except only about halfway up so it looked like it was wearing a corset.  (Also, I love pruning!  It has brought dismay to Adam at times when he thinks I got carried away.)  I also cleaned up the front flower beds and saw tiny green leaves at the base of my hydrangea and spoke encouraging words to the spot where the marigolds that I never planted inexplicably grow every summer.  Nola was in her yard, repairing deer damage as well and we chatted (loudly) across the cul-de-sac while we worked and it was nice to see her.

I dropped off a birthday treat for Cortney and we caught up a little on her front porch from several feet away.

I stood outside Shannon's car in the parking lot where the Greek gyro truck is while our husbands stood in an unruly social distancing kind of line.  We all visited and compared working from home notes.

We ate dinner on the deck because it was such a gorgeous day.  Trees all over Pleasant Grove seemed to blossom overnight.

Then, Adam picked the John Wayne version of True Grit for our nightly movie and I sort of felt like I'd spent the evening with my dad and Tabor.

Even though the coronavirus has caused a lot of disruption and mayhem, there's still a lot of loveliness in the world. (And also, the blossoms don't seem aware that so many other things are on hold.  They are still doing their thing.)


Gwilliam Fam said...

Can I just say I am glad to know YOU aren't repainting your kitchen cabinets?! It's purely selfish on my part. I feel better about myself now because no huge projects are being set forth or tackled over here!

Olivia Cobian said...

I also love that nature isn't on hold!


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