
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The depths of despair

I just need to buy this shirt and wear it:

Yesterday we found out that we won't be going back to school for this school year and I had a whole Anne Shirley depths of despair episode.  It wasn't surprising, but I had created this whole narrative in my mind where we would be able to go back to school for the month of May.  I cried when I heard the news.  I miss my students!  I miss the parts of teaching that I love most (you know, the teaching).  I am mostly doing administrative things and providing tech support (which is laughable because I know nothing) and recording videos that may or may not ever be watched.  It doesn't resemble a room full of 8 year olds at all.

And a room full of 8 year olds is what I love.

Yesterday, before our dreams were dashed, the third grade team sat outside in the sun and handed out packets to our students who came to pick up their sack meals from the cafeteria.  We chatted happily and were delighted every time we saw one of our students.  One girl brought a pencil cup she made out of a toilet paper roll to proudly show me.  Another girl brought me some Easter eggs full of candy.  One girl angrily told me that Battle of the Books had been ruined.  "I know," I said. "I'm sorry."

Maybe I'll buy her a t-shirt too.


Olivia said...

I'm sorry you don't get to go back this year! When I saw that on the news, I thought of you and your sadness, and I thought, "By darn, she's a good teacher!" Those 3rd graders are blessed to have you--and they still benefit from your kind heart and amazing teaching ability, even though it's not in person. Love you!

Mark Dahl said...

I am so sorry, Thelma. I cried too when I read your blog. I know how much you love to teach and love them. I hope there will be some good come from it all. Your mom

Geri said...

It's so sad for everyone who loves school that it is just going to end with a flip of a switch. Let's hope that the time comes quickly that we can gather and celebrate each other in person.


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