
Friday, August 26, 2022

Grateful Friday

I am having a really hard time at school.  I vacillate between thinking it's OK, it's just the first of the year and thinking I am in so much trouble.

I know full well that I have a lot to learn with my teaching and also just being a person.

I'm grateful for all the chances being a teacher gives me to practice patience, charity, long suffering.  I need the practice and I have a ready made curriculum every day.

I'm also grateful for the text I got yesterday morning.  The mother of my student who has type 1 diabetes, texted to tell me that he had had a rough night and that if I needed any additional support, to let her know. I texted back my condolences and assurance that I would try to give extra love.

She texted this:

It was such a great reminder that all the challenges we have make us better able to empathize with others. Her other son has celiac so we are in the trenches together.  She also texted me yesterday with some recipes.

Mom power is the best kind of power.

I kept thinking about the text.  I wonder if I got a text about every student every day, it would help me be more patient and help me meet their needs.

I remembered what President Eyring said once: when you meet someone, treat them as if they were in serious trouble, and you will be right more than half the time.

I knew because of the text I received that my diabetic student may be having a hard day.

Who else is having a hard day?  Who didn't get a good night's sleep?  Who didn't get a good breakfast?  Or dinner?  Who has a contentious home life or doesn't feel safe?

If I can hold those questions in my mind, maybe I'll be more patient.

Please, I need to be more patient.


Mark Dahl said...

I love this. They are so blessed to have you.

Marianne said...

I love this too!

Olivia Cobian said...

This makes me cry. Have a good school week. I'm praying for you.


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