
Tuesday, August 23, 2022

What's saving my life

 I listen to a few podcasts and I'm usually behind on them, but that doesn't stop me.  Yesterday on the way to work, I was listening to Kendra Adachi's The Lazy Genius podcast.  She was talking about what is saving her life right now (or a couple of weeks ago, when she recorded the podcast).

So here's what's saving MY life right now.

1) Quitting

I want to read every book on my 100 Epic Reads of A Lifetime poster.  I've read a lot of the books already, but I'm rereading all of them for reasons I can't explain.  Give me a list and I want to check stuff off.

I started Huckleberry Finn but I didn't like it.  I quit reading.  It was racist and kind of boring.  Sorry Epic Reads.  Last night, I decided to quit The Count of Monte Cristo.  I read it years ago in my book club and I didn't love it then and this time, I usually only read it at 2:00 AM when I can't sleep and even though I'm pretty far along and generally know what's happening, I can't keep everyone straight and I don't even care.  

So I quit.

It feels freeing, because usually...give me a list and I want to check stuff off.

I also listen to the Follow Him podcast.  I love it and (ask my kids) talk about it a lot.  This week Michael McClain is the guest.  Usually it is professors adding insight into the text and this week it is Michael McClain breaking into weird songs he wrote periodically.  (Maybe it would help if I like Michael McClain's music.  But I don't.)

So I quit.

2) Starting

I decided Sunday because I don't have a lot of extra time and since my fingers hurt sometimes that I should try to learn the ukulele.  I don't know.  I am learning "You are My Sunshine" and I'm going to wow my students.  We do music time once a week this year and I'm in charge and I thought the ukulele would be a fun addition.

I also started cross-stitching my mini masterpieces.  I finished one so far and it was fun.  I took a picture of it next to a pen, for scale.

It's so little and I love it.

3) Beehive Meals.  Ten meals are delivered once a month to our doorstep.  They are frozen and you cook them in the crockpot and it is the best thing.  Ever.

4) Walking with Clarissa.  It takes time and I feel that, but it is refreshing to walk and talk (even when it is hot).  She is a delight of a girl.  I had all the best nieces sent to me.

5) Adam.  He knows how to fix my back.  He listens to all the things.  He is an example of quietly doing his best for no reward.  He's a keeper.


Olivia Cobian said...

I completely agree with you about Michael McLean. You got me started on that podcast and this week I'm disappointed. I'm stil looking forward to it for next week though. Also, I really got a lot out of both those books you don't like. I'm even going to read Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn to my older boys this school year. You can learn a lot about history by reading books written in the time period, and that's partly why I think it's is worth the read. Beautiful job on your mini masterpiece! I'm glad you're not picturing those other masterpieces.:) Love you!

Marianne said...

I have a different take on Huck Finn. I think it is so brilliantly anti-racist. Jim is just so honorable and loyal and smart and it shows how thwarted the thinking of the time was. Huck feels so guilty that he just can't turn him in but as the reader you know that Jim is actually the best.
But I'm glad you are quitting and starting what makes you happy!

Mark Dahl said...

I sure like your cross stitch. Have you listened to Taylor and Tyler. I sure enjoy them. Although they had Michael McLean on a few weeks ago. They had Gentri last week.


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