
Thursday, March 19, 2020


I brought everything I need from my classroom to be home.  Yesterday I recorded 4 loom videos for my class.  I felt like a champion because I figured out how to do it.  I have been emailing back and forth with a few of my students.  I'm worried about some others I haven't heard from at all.  The aides are looking for hours so I had them deliver the last four packets to the students' homes.

We are home and that isn't terrible.  First thing on my list today is to tidy up my desk in my office because I need the space for my teacher life now.  We have established something of a routine for Mark's home school life.  I told him we're having silent reading time after lunch like we did for about a decade when I home schooled.

Every night we watch a movie--or part of a movie if I get too sleepy.  So far we've watched Big Business, The Incredibles, Sister Act and part of My Fair Lady.

Life is surreal but we are home and for an introvert like myself, things could be worse.

1 comment:

Olivia Cobian said...

Sounds like you are handling things so well! If you'd like me to call any Spanish-speaking parents, I'm game.


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