
Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Math thespians

Last night Adam and I went to the school to judge math projects.  Very much as exciting as it sounds....

Every student needed to have at least one representative there to judge the projects.  It was a huge part of Mark's grade and I decided my job was to go around and make a deal with all the other parents, "Let's just go REALLY EASY on these kids."

You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.

Adam and I were a team.  He would ask questions about sine and cosine and ask about what challenges they had.  I would smile and nod encouragingly and tell everyone they did a great job.

People clearly gravitate to their tribe.  The students mostly worked in pairs.  There were the earnest math whizzes who knew a lot about what they had done.  There were the jocks who kind of didn't seem to.  There were the artistic girls who had gone all out in decorating their posters.

Then there were the drama kids.

Mark was with Jensen a.k.a. Jean Valjean in the recent blockbuster Les Miserables at Pleasant Grove High School.

Look at that kind parent acting so captivated!  We all had a part to play.  All the world's a stage.
A lot of the kids mumbled along presenting their work and were hard to hear but these two spoke with enthusiasm and hand gestures and made eye contact at key intervals.

I sort of wanted them to break into song.

Adam told them after, "You didn't need to be good at math.  You just needed to act like you were good at math."

"Exactly!" Jensen said.

1 comment:

Olivia Cobian said...

What a great thing to do!


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