
Monday, July 22, 2019

A little to the right

Early Saturday morning Adam and I drove to the University of Utah campus to pick up Braeden.  He's down to one week left of EFY.  He is loving it and also can't wait for it to be done so he can get married!

Later in the morning we marshaled all the troops and went to my classroom.  We hung bulletin boards and paper lanterns and pictures on the walls.  There was a lot of "does this work?" and "Braeden can you reach that?" and "Mark, will you fix this?"

He has been keeping his toolbox in the classroom.  Because he's awesome.

Adam and Mark untangled the cords for the big mess that was the ELMO overhead projector.  They adjusted it and made it all work properly and Adam discovered how the sound system works.

Emma stood on the counter with a ruler in one hand and a stapler in the other and placed letters on a bulletin board.  When asked, she would turn around and give an opinion.

Up higher, a little to the right.  No, too far.

Besides getting a lot accomplished, I loved all of us working together.  And I like knowing that they know what my classroom looks like.  It's weird as a stay at home mother of so many years to have a life that they aren't a part of.

So I want them to be a part of it.

We went to Pizza Pie Cafe and talked about everything and nothing.

These are my favorite people.

In the afternoon, Braeden napped, Mark hung out with his friends, and Emma cleaned her bathroom and finally changed the water for her fish.  Every time I go in her room, I've been telling her that he is screaming at me, begging me to save him.

She would say, "I'll get to it."

To her credit, she's been working a ton of hours between her two jobs.

Still.  Ever since Bruiser danced to ABBA, I kind of like the little guy and I want him in a clean fish bowl.

(Also, I secretly--not so secretly--hope he dies before she goes to France because I don't want to take care of him.  It's complicated.  We aren't really pet people.)

Adam and I did errands which is one of my favorite ways to spend a Saturday.

After weekends together I feel properly aligned again.

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