
Friday, July 5, 2019

Grateful Friday

We had a lovely and relaxing day yesterday.  I think it's what the Founding Fathers would have wanted.

Admittedly I did work on school stuff a little even though I vowed to take a break.  It's hard not to work on it.  All the preparation feels like a huge mountain to climb.  I'm enjoying it though.  Which is good, because I'm not getting paid anything yet and when I do start getting paid, it won't be much.

Public school teaching is a labor of love and that is all.

Back to yesterday, in the afternoon we went to the movie Yesterday.  We loved it!  As a bonus, I had Beatles songs in my head for the rest of the day.

About the time Adam was ready to start grilling our dinner out on the deck, the wind started to blow and a storm moved in.

Quite a storm.

It's been a weird summer for weather.

Here was our deck this morning:

That can all be righted in a few minutes, but sadly Big Betsy didn't survive the storm.  She got a big rip and they took her down this morning.

On my walk this morning there was a big buzz of activity at the canyon.  According to my research (Facebook) they are going to replace her with a smaller flag for the rest of the week.

I'm grateful for all the people that work so hard to make the whole flag thing possible.

Also, I'm grateful for what the flag represents.  I'm grateful for all the freedoms and opportunities I enjoy and for all the wonderful things that have happened because America happened.

Another thing I'm grateful for today?  We're going to Nevada tomorrow for a family reunion.  I'm looking forward to seeing my parents and siblings and nieces and nephews and cousins and aunts and uncles.  I wish Braeden and Anna could go too (that was the original plan), but those two camp counselors are too busy being camp counselors.

I'm making sure there is some onion dip (Janet's recipe--it's barely the 4th of July without the Jorgensens but we did have Janet's dip) for Braeden because he will be home some this weekend.

1 comment:

Marianne said...

So excited to see those Davises!


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