
Monday, January 7, 2019

Dolls and freckles

Little girls with dolls and freckles.  That's what we were once upon a time.  It blessed my life to be born between the two powerhouses that are my sisters and it continues to bless my life.

They were my best friends growing up, the ones I told my secrets to and the ones who told me frankly when what I was wearing didn't work.  At. All.  They never minced words.

They have also always been my biggest champions and supporters and comforters.

What I didn't anticipate is how their husbands would bless my life too.  They both married stellar men whom I love.

Yesterday Robert, fresh off his trip to Hawaii where he broke a finger and had emergency surgery in addition to seeing his eldest daughter married, got up early early to drive here so he could ordain Adam to the office of a high priest.

Despite the similarities between Marianne and me, when we were all newly married and living in the same ward in Provo, someone asked if Adam and Robert were brothers.  And they are brothers in every way that matters.

After church we sent Robert on his way in a blizzard with a sandwich and our gratitude.  Back when I was borrowing Marianne's clothes and holding the steering wheel on the way to seminary while she was applying her mascara, I never could have imagined what a blessing her someday husband would be to our family.


Anonymous said...

This is so nice. You bless our family so much. Just little things like elaborately decorating for a wedding and caring for and feeding my children weekly. Much love!

Olivia Cobian said...

What a sweet post! I love the blessings of an ever-expanding family!


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