
Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Mark doesn't know what he's missing

Except he usually does because I tell him to check his phone.

Those Fam-a-lam text conversations are solid gold.

This happened yesterday:

She's never not been a bit of a drama queen.

A few hours later, she sent this:

(Adam was happy enough to send a gif--although I just took a screen shot so you don't get the full effect of Tevye dancing.)

Then Emma sent this:

Last night (when I had Mark read it because I need to expose that kid to good literature), Adam wondered where Braeden was anyway in the "uncomfortably silent room."  Some kind of detention?  As complete as Emma's description was, I guess it left questions.

This, my friends, is why cell phones exist.  Getting missives from Emma isn't the only reason I have a cell phone, but if it were the only one, it would be a good enough reason.

1 comment:

Marianne said...

I feel like we need "The Rest of the Story." Why is Braeden in detention? Do they do that in college? Did he just need to escape everything and get away from it all? I'm burning with curiosity.


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