
Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Snowy day

Neither Adam nor I had work yesterday (I never do on Mondays, Adam didn't because of Martin Luther King Jr. Day).  Mark didn't have school but had rehearsal all day.

And it was snowy!

Here's the view (between the slats of the blinds) from my office:

It was beautiful and I felt grateful that we have cars that can make it up our street.

Adam took Mark to the school (Mark drove) and Mark got his first taste of treacherous roads and an increased respect for driving carefully, even when you're driving a Subaru.

I picked Adam up at the school and he went with me to Salt Lake for my hair appointment.

Braeden sent this cute picture of him and Anna:

So Adam and I took a (possibly less cute) picture and sent it:

Our next door neighbor called Adam and said that he had come over with his snowblower and cleared off our driveway and sidewalk and accidentally cut an extension cord our Christmas lights guys had left behind by our steps.

We have good neighbors (and even if the extension cord had been super important, neighbors that are that kind are more important).

When we got home Adam went to Provo to spend time with Braeden (they went grocery shopping including Adam picked up things Emma texted him that she needed...he's a good dad) and I stayed home and did the cleaning I didn't do Saturday.

It was beautiful and peaceful and quiet:

I love a good snowstorm when I am in my warm house.

Marianne and Carolina were in town and Marianne wanted to take us all to dinner.  We met up at a Thai restaurant with all of our college kids and had a marvelous time.

I asked Marianne what she was doing the next morning and she said going to the temple.  I said, "So does this mean you won't do traffic duty for me?"


The kids left (the Johnson girls went to the Hale Theater; Braeden, Emma and Zack went back to Provo and Mark went to the car to sit with the seat heat and snooze). Marianne said, "We should move to Pleasant Grove so I could see my kids all the time like you do."


Adam and Marianne and I sat around talking.  We kind of forgot about Mark.  Like he said, "It's not the first time that has happened."

We had a nice time chatting and decided someday we would go on a couple couple mission together.  Marianne said, "OK, but let's serve somewhere warm like Hawaii."

Maybe we should make it a triple couple mission and have Olivia and Edgar go too.  We could go to Mexico and let Olivia and Edgar do all the talking.  (I'll make cookies for people.)


Olivia Cobian said...

I'm all for it! (The triple couple mission in Mexico)

Marianne said...

Triple couple mission in Hawaii?


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