
Thursday, January 24, 2019

Two unrelated but wonderful things

This morning on my way into the school (and I was neither late nor cranky), I saw one of the darlingest of the darling 2nd graders and he excitedly told me he had a wiggly tooth.

Later, I was working with a group of second graders and he was one of them.  He was lamenting about his tooth because it had turned from exciting to annoying.

All the kids at the table started giving him their tips and tricks for dealing with loose teeth.  "Chew in the back on the other side."  "Eat an apple."  "Get someone to pull it out really fast." (He asked me to pull it out and I declined.)

They started pointing to ones they suspected to lose next in their own mouths and indicated where teeth had been.  I thought how nice it is that we have each other.

I don't really remember too much about losing teeth and it seems like a pretty low cause for concern in the big picture of life, but if you're seven and have a loose tooth and your body is going to get rid of all the teeth you've had as long as you can remember, it's a Big Deal.  How marvelous that shared experiences allow us to have empathy and to feel understood in the world.


Tuesday, after the BYU Devotional, Braeden texted this:

Yesterday, Adam texted this:

I decided to listen, and I was not disappointed.  There's not a text available for it yet online.  I typed some up while I was listening, just because I wanted to record it here in this space that is basically my journal.

I can't do it justice:

There is a God in heaven, who is our Eternal Father.  I know that by my experience, all of my experience.  I know that by the evidence and the evidence is overwhelming.  I know it by study and most surely I know it by the Spirit and power of the Holy Ghost.  Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Redeemer of the world.  I know that by my experience, all of my experience.  I know that by the evidence and the evidence is overwhelming.  I know it by study and most surely I know it by the Spirit and power of the Holy Ghost.

I'm grateful for what is and for what I know.  I can echo Elder Corbridge.

1 comment:

Olivia Cobian said...

Elder Corbridge is one of my favorites! I'll have to listen to this.


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